Sunday 20 April 2008

Track 6: create your own psychosis!

For some reason, a while ago, a had this idea that goldfish must be the happiest animal on earth. I don’t really remember why, but it had something to do with their ability to forget everything every third second, and that way escaping permanent emotional damage. (Now I know that their memory goes as long as a few months back, but I guess that theory wasn’t very credible to begin with anyway). I told a friend, and he went berserk.

"I’ll tell you what it’s like to be a goldfish", he said. "First second you’re in the bliss of not knowing anything. Second second you realise that you’re a goldfish, stuck in a bowl and the only reason you’re not bored to death is that you keep forgetting it. The third second the goldfish is paralyzed with panic, and then it starts all over again."

next week:
track 7 - nina